Here's your w eekly a dvertising and mark eti ng update from T rend Media Gro up. This week we take a look at email marketing, and how to reach diff erent age groups on social me dia.

ow to I mpro ve Yo ur Email M arke tingEmail ma
rke tin g is still a vit al, but ofte n ov e rl o oked, digit al marketing to ol. With a few tweaks, your email mark eti n g can greatly improve and produce the results you want.Rea
d M or e
Us i n g E m ai l M a r ke ti ng To D riv e Con ve rsions
any brands are using em ail signat u res to promote new products or an up c oming even t. Sig n atures a re an u nde r u s ed par t of em ail ma rketing that can le ad to valuable conversions.
e a d M o r eCo
nne cti n g with so c ia l media users by ageWhen drafti
ng your bran d's social m edia st rategy it is worthwhi le to segme n t the audie nce on each platfo rm by age and create content that speaks to eac h age gro up.R
e a d M o r e