Welcome to TrendING, a weekly update from Trend Media Group on what's happening in the advertising industry. This week we share highlights from New York Advertising Week on how to connect with Generation Z,  and using storytelling to humanize your brand. We also share some statistics on the reach and popularity of video marketing.

A new segment of customers now exists called Generation Z (Gen-Z)-  persons born after 1995, who were using the internet from an early age, and have a “SnapChat attention span” (10 seconds or less). What should your brand keep in mind when trying to connect with them?

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We live in the internet age where customers are not easily swayed by brand loyalty. Due to this, marketing now has a lot to do with storytelling. Chief Brand Officer of Uber, Bozoma Saint John, shared with New York Advertising Week how Uber, a digital-first brand, is humanizing their brand through storytelling.  

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The success, and nature, of online platforms such as SnapChat, YouTube, and Facebook has increased the use of video in digital marketing. Why? Simply because video marketing works, and there are numbers to prove it. 

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