With the busy holiday season approaching, there will be an increase in the number of advertisements on both digital and traditional media. In TrendING this week, we explore the importance of engaging vs 'just' advertising, take a look at what makes Christmas ads so special, and give a few tips for upgrading your brand’s Instagram strategy.

Stop advertising and start engaging
To get your brand to stand out during this busy holiday season, it may be worthwhile to focus on engaging your customers rather than just promoting your product/service.
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The battle for Christmas presence
Creating the perfect festive advertisement is no easy feat, and some companies spend millions annually in an attempt to tell an impeccable Christmas story. What does it take to make a truly unforgettable Christmas ad story?
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Upgrading your brand’s Instagram strategy
An average of 80 million photos are uploaded to Instagram each day. With its ever-increasing user growth and high brand engagement rates, it’s clear that Instagram is becoming a valuable social network for marketers in all industries.
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