There is always something happening in digital advertising & marketing, and it’s easy to get left behind. Lucky for you, Trend Media Group has you covered with the weekly updates. This week we take a look at influencer marketing, and the 280 Twitter character limit. 

What is InfluencerMarketing

Influencer marketing is more than just “another buzzword” on the internet. It is a new marketing concept that gives brands another effective way to reach their audience, by partnering with people who can influence their audience’s decisions. 

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Influencer Marketing Case Study: Intel 

Sometimes your brand’s message is better delivered by someone other than you, and that’s what influencer marketing offers. Global brand Intel has been using influencers and are seeing great results. 

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Twitter’s 280 character limit effect on marketing 

Twitter recently announced that it is testing doubling its tweet character limit from 140 to 280. If Twitter implements this change, it could have positive, and negative effects on twitter marketing. 

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