Every brand engages in some form of digital advertising; whether it’s social media, programmatic, or a traditional website blog. In TrendING this week, we give you some online marketing tips that are often overlooked, highlight Netflix’s digital marketing strategy, and take a look at the Google “freshness” algorithm.  

4 Essential Online Marketing Tips

Thanks to modern technology, businesses can be conceived, operated and grown using just a computer and internet connection. In order to help you succeed and take your marketing efforts in the right direction, here are four simple tips that you can start taking advantage of today.

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The Masterful Netflix Digital Advertising Strategy

Netflix doesn’t just produce good shows, it also knows how to use advanced digital marketing techniques to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. Let’s talk about a few of the digital marketing principles that make Netflix so successful.

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Google 'Freshness' Algorithm May Still Cause Dips in Website Traffic

Google challenges marketers all the time by changing its algorithm often. One change that occurred in early 2017 might still be affecting some marketers- the “Freshness” algorithm

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