• A joint US$30 million loan from Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for the Energy Management and Efficiency Programme.
  • US$7.52 million grand under Caribbean Development Bank’s Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) to finance projects in education, transportation, enterprise development, and water and sanitation.
  • US$20 million IDB loan to further boost the Credit Enhancement Facility (CEF) for Micro, Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises.
  • US$70 million World Bank loan to spur growth while enhancing Jamaica’s global competitiveness.
  • US$12.58 million grant from the Government of Japan to procure equipment for the ‘Improvement of the Emergency Communication System Project’.
  • $6.5 million European Union (EU) grant to assist the Government in further reducing poverty and improving the living standards of residents in sugar-dependents areas.
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