Operation transformation

With a commitment to help develop even more schools and communities across Jamaica, our Chairman, Denis O’Brien made a commitment in 2015 (after receiving the Order of Jamaica)  to help develop the Maud McLeod High School, St. Michael’s Primary and Tivoli High School. This included renovation and other infrastructural improvements as well as providing educational materials to improve teaching and learning experiences. Importantly, this project also saw us working with the schools to reduce their operational expenses through the implementation of solar powered machines, greenhouses and wells, just to name a few. 

This year, in continuing our work, we donated over 1000 tablets to the schools to assist with day to day learning activities, which was done just in time for the start of the new school year.

Go to article: coverGo to article: Bresheh for back-to-schoolGo to article: #BeachCleanUpDay2017 – What did you do?Go to article: Operation transformationGo to article: ‘I can read!’ Go to article:  ‘Parents Place’ brings moms & dads back to school